During a regular dental exam, it can sometimes be difficult to detect damage and disease without the use of X-rays. The frequency of getting X-rays depends on your oral health, age, and risk for disease. Most often, children require X-rays more often than adults because they are still developing and their teeth are more likely to be affected by decay than adults.
If you are a new patient, most times Dr. Hubbs will request X-rays to determine the present status of your oral health and have a baseline to help identify changes that may occur in the future. New sets of X-rays may be needed to determine any new cavities, determine the status of current gum health, or evaluate the growth and development of your teeth.
It is important to remember that Dental X-rays are safe, but they do require very low levels of radiation exposure, which makes the risk of potentially harmful effects extremely small. There are tools that are used to limit the body's exposure to radiation and every precaution is taken to ensure that radiation exposure is As Low As Reasonable Achievable (the ALARA principle). We will provide you with a leaded apron prior to any X-ray's to minimize exposure to the abdomen and should be used when any dental radiograph is taken. If you are pregnant, tell your dentist and precautions will be taken.
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